Bodoglár, Long lasting pink Study Trail
Length: 1000 m
The trail has English and Hungarian information signs.
How to approach: Follow the dirt road starting at km 16.3 of the Soltvadkert-Kiskunmajsa road, between the villages of Tázlár and Bodoglár.
Accessible on foot, throughout the year
Recommended from June till late autumn, when Dianthus diutinus blooms
GPS: N46°32'13.76" E19°35'23.767" WGS: N46.537145 E19.589937
The Bodoglár Sand Dunes, located near Kiskunmajsa, is one of the places where Dianthus diutinus occurs. This strictly protected pink species is endemic to Hungary and occurs only in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve. One of its largest populations is near Bodoglár.
The study trail is in a Natura 2000 area, which means that it has a community importance in the European Union. The area is also a nature reserve of local importance according to national legislation. To protect the sand surfaces and the flora, the trail has a 500 m long boardwalk, leading to a high-stand on the top of a sand dune, offering a great view on the surrounding landscape, featuring Juniper-Poplar groves, sand dunes with gentle slopes and hawthorn thickets. The trail goes on between the rows of a planted pine forest and, after gaining some elevation, leads to another boardwalk and then another high-stand, which is surrounded by a large number of Dianthus diutinus specimens.
The study trail provides information about the endemic Dianthus diutinus, its habitats, the conservation efforts within a LIFE project we implemented to preserve the species, and about the significance of the Natura 2000 ecological network.
You can read more about the protection of Dianthus diutinus here: